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NonResponses are wrappers around responses that haven't been filled out. They are needed for SBG and follow that format.

They are created:

  • 6 hours after responses expire (always code 04)
  • When a professional deletes uncompleted responses.
  • Directly by the professional on the prepare responses page for a set of questionnaires.

See SBG definition:

Get a single non_response

GET /api/v1/dossier/:epd_id/non_responses/:id


Sample request

GET /api/v1/dossiers/epd_id_0/non_responses/1
Status: 200 OK
"id": 1,
"non_response_at": "2015-01-31T13:30:55.000+01:00",
"response_ids": [
"reason_group": "Patiënt is wel benaderd voor de ROM meting, maar:",
"reason_option": "Patiënt retourneert meetinstrument niet.",
"reason_code": "04",
"reason_other": "user entered text"

Response Attributes

idintegerId uniquely identifying the non_response.
non_response_atdatetimemoment the non_response was registered.
reason_groupstringe.g. "Patiënt is wel benaderd voor de ROM meting, maar:"
reason_optionstringe.g. "Patiënt retourneert meetinstrument niet."
reason_codestringe.g. "04"
reason_otherstringuser entered text.

Get all non_responses for a dossier

GET /api/v1/dossier/:epd_id/non_responses

Returns an array of hashes of the same format as show.