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Fill Out Sessions

Start a fill out session.

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/fill_out_sessions/


dossier_idstringRequired. Unique identifier for the patient to be subscribed.
questionnaire_keysarrayArray of keys uniquely identifying the questionnaires to be filled out.
response_idsarrayArray containing ids of aborted responses for which filling out has to be resumed.
return_tostringRequired. URL to redirect to after the questionnaire has been filled out.
progress_urlstringURL of your progress page (see the progress page section below).
stylesheetstringWhen given, this CSS URL will be loaded after our built-in stylesheets to allow some customization of the look and feel.

When an array of questionnaire keys is provided, a set of blank questionnaires will be filled out. When an array of ids corresponding with aborted responses is provided, filling out will be resumed for these responses.


Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/fill_out_sessions
Status: 200 OK
"fill_out_url": ""

When no questionnaire keys or answer ids are provided.

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/some_epd_id/fill_out_sessions
Status: 422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": {
"questionnaire_keys": "missing",
"response_ids": "missing"

When no questionnaire exists for one of the questionnaire_keys provided

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/fill_out_sessions
Status: 404 Not Found

When no aborted answer exists for one of the answer_ids provided

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/fill_out_sessions
Status: 404 Not Found

When no return_to url is provided

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/some_epd_id/fill_out_sessions
Status: 422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": {
"return_url": [

Progress page

By providing a progress_url when creating a fill_out session, respondents are redirected to your custom progress page before filling out and between every questionnaire. We provide you with the following url parameters:

  • continue_url : a url to fill out the next questionnaire
  • interrupt_url : a url to abort filling out
  • completed_questionnaire_keys[] : a list of keys of filled out questionnaires
  • pending_questionnaire_keys[] : a list of keys of questionnaires to be filled out

The actual names of these questionnaires can be queried through the questionnaires API endpoint.

These url parameters can be used on your progress page to show the respondent's progress and provide links for continuing filling out or aborting the fill out session.