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Respondents using token

The login for a patient (or other respondents for a dossier) is done by entering a token which the person has received by e-mail or snailmail. It's also possible to open the login URL with this token prefilled as a query parameter, in which case the login will happen automatically and the person will be presented the first pending questionnaire immediately.


To open RoQua client-interface and start filling in pending questionnaires, tell a browser window or frame to navigate to:


To this URL, you may add a number of query parameters. These parameters are used for specifying the token to be logged in, and specifying additional behaviour.

tokenstringRequired. The login token.
return_urlstringIf given, when all pending questionnaires have been answered, thus completing the fill out session, RoQua will redirect to this URL instead of showing a default thank-you screen.
progress_urlstringURL of your progress page.
stylesheetstringWhen given, this CSS URL will be loaded after our built-in stylesheets to allow some customization of the look and feel.