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Note: For a thorough analysis of the schema check out the interactive schema representation generated with SchemaSpy of our demo sqlite export db.


external_identifierAlso known as epd_id or clientid, the clientid we got over sso.


A respondent is a someone who fills out a questionnaire. It's the you in “How are you?” and “How is your child/patient” on a questionnaire. The one who enters the data into roqua is not always the respondent.

Right now there is only one respondent per type, but that will change in the future.

typepatient, parent, second_parent, teacher, caregiver, profess. second_parent will likely be merged into parent in the future.
labelhuman readable specifier. e.g. Moeder, Medewerker, Buurman.


A protocol subscription is when an automatic protocol is activated for a dossier. The same protocol can be subscribed multiple times for one dossier, but only once the previous subscription has been stopped (either automatically upon completion, or by cancelling manually).

dossier_idforeign key to the dossier which is subscribed to this protocol
protocol_idforeign key to the protocol that is subscribed to
start_atthe first day that responses will be created on
stop_atthe last day that responses will be created on
statusscheduled when the automatic protocol is activated but the first questionnaires haven't been prepared yet (usually because at time of export, start_at was in the future; started while the protocol is ongoing; paused when the protocol is on hold for a while (currently not feature exposed in the API or UI); stopped when stopped (either because stop_at is in the past, or because it was stopped manually in the UI)


A Response the set of answers to one fill out of a questionnaire. Most attributes descriptions can be found at response endpoint

respondent_idforeign key to respondent who the answers belong to.
entered_by_idforeign key to professional who typed in the answer if the respondent didn't do it directly (so copying from paper or doing an interview)
questionnaire_keyroqua-key of questionnaire (in a few cases different from quby-key)
questionnaire_variantroqua-key of specific questionnaire variant (e.g. bulk version)
requester_idforeign key to professional who prepared the response in the RoQua epd interface


Answer to a single question in a response

question_keykey in definition e.g. v_1a
datavalue of answer e.g. '2' for radio with value 2, '1' for checked checkbox, 'hello' for text


Scores are defined in the questionnaire definition:

score <score_key> do
{<score_subkey>: <data>, ..}


timestampTime at of non-response, can be set by the user, defaults to creation time.
reason_group:e.g. "Patiënt is wel benaderd voor de ROM
reason_option:e.g. "Patiënt retourneert meetinstrument niet."
reason_code:e.g. "04"
reason_other:user entered text