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Responses are questionnaire completions, although they need not be filled out yet. Upon creating an invitation, responses for all selected questionnaires are created. At this point, the responses have status new. When the patient fills out the questionnaire for the answer, its status will change to completed.

List all responses for dossier

Requests for more detailed information about responses are namespaced under a specific dossier, which is the /api/v1/dossiers/DOSSIER_ID path. In this path DOSSIER_ID is the external identifier used by the EPD to represent this patient.

GET /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses.json


questionnaire_keys'array of strings'Only return responses on questionnaires whose key is listed
completed_beforetimeOnly return responses filled out before the specified time
completed_aftertimeOnly return responses filled out after the specified time
respondent_typestringOnly return responses whose completer_type equals the given value
statusstring['completed', 'aborted', 'open', 'scheduled'] Only return responses whose status equals the given value
protocol_subscription_idstringOnly return responses associated to the protocol subscription with the given id


Sample request

GET /api/v1/dossiers/epd_id_index/responses
Status: 200 OK
"id": 2,
"respondent_id": 5,
"name": "Questionnaire With Flags",
"questionnaire_name": "Questionnaire With Flags",
"questionnaire_key": "quest1",
"open_from": null,
"open_till": null,
"requesters": [],
"completer_type": "patient",
"completed_at": null,
"status": "open",
"completing_url": "",
"values": {},
"outcome": {
"scores": {},
"action": null,
"alarm": null,
"attention": null,
"complete": null
"flags": {
"female": false,
"with_flags_hides_v_1_flag": true
"textvars": {},
"started_at": null,
"measurement_id": null,
"non_response_id": null
"id": 3,
"respondent_id": 5,
"name": "Questionnaire With Textvars",
"questionnaire_name": "Questionnaire With Textvars",
"questionnaire_key": "quest2",
"open_from": null,
"open_till": null,
"requesters": [],
"completer_type": "patient",
"completed_at": null,
"status": "open",
"completing_url": "",
"values": {},
"outcome": {
"scores": {},
"action": null,
"alarm": null,
"attention": null,
"complete": null
"flags": {},
"textvars": {
"with_textvars_var1": "{{with_textvars_var1}}",
"with_textvars_var2": "var2_default",
"with_textvars_var3": "var3_default"
"started_at": null,
"measurement_id": null,
"non_response_id": null
"id": 4,
"respondent_id": 5,
"name": "OQ-45",
"questionnaire_name": "OQ-45",
"questionnaire_key": "oq45",
"open_from": null,
"open_till": null,
"requesters": [
"epd_id": "epdid_0"
"completer_type": null,
"completed_at": "2015-01-27T13:30:55.000+01:00",
"status": "completed",
"completing_url": null,
"values": {
"v_1": 4,
"v_2": 3,
"v_3": 2,
"v_4": 3,
"v_5": 3,
"v_6": 2,
"v_7": 3,
"v_8": 4,
"v_9": 2,
"v_10": 2,
"v_11": 3,
"v_12": 4,
"v_13": 2,
"v_14": 3,
"v_15": 4,
"v_16": 2,
"v_18": 3,
"v_19": 4,
"v_20": 3,
"v_21": 2,
"v_22": 3,
"v_23": 4,
"v_24": 2,
"v_25": 3,
"v_26": 4,
"v_27": 3,
"v_28": 3,
"v_29": 2,
"v_30": 3,
"v_31": 4,
"v_32": 2,
"v_33": 3,
"v_34": 4,
"v_35": 2,
"v_36": 3,
"v_37": 4,
"v_38": 2,
"v_39": 3,
"v_40": 4,
"v_41": 4,
"v_42": 3,
"v_43": 2,
"v_44": 3,
"v_45": 3,
"v_46": 4
"outcome": {
"scores": {
"totaal": {
"score": true,
"label": "Totaal",
"value": 135,
"norm": ">= 55",
"interpretation": "Klinisch",
"tscore": 110,
"tscore_interpretation": "Zeer hoog",
"oru_flag": "HH",
"global": true,
"referenced_values": [
"psychisch": {
"score": true,
"label": "Psychisch Onwelbevinden",
"value": 74,
"norm": ">= 33",
"interpretation": "Klinisch",
"tscore": 102,
"tscore_interpretation": "Zeer hoog",
"oru_flag": "HH",
"referenced_values": [
"interpers": {
"score": true,
"label": "Interpersoonlijk Functioneren",
"value": 33,
"norm": ">= 12",
"interpretation": "Klinisch",
"tscore": 99,
"tscore_interpretation": "Zeer hoog",
"oru_flag": "HH",
"referenced_values": [
"sociaal": {
"score": true,
"label": "Sociale Rolvervulling",
"value": 28,
"norm": ">= 10",
"interpretation": "Klinisch",
"tscore": 116,
"tscore_interpretation": "Zeer hoog",
"oru_flag": "HH",
"referenced_values": [
"action": "alarm",
"alarm": [
"attention": [],
"complete": null
"flags": {},
"textvars": {},
"started_at": "2015-01-31T13:30:55.000+01:00",
"measurement_id": null,
"non_response_id": null

Response Attributes

idintegerId uniquely identifying the reponse record.
external_idstringThe ID provided when submitting this response via POST or PUT. Null if this response was created/completed via RoQua.
respondent_idintegerId of respondent who the response belong to (not always the person who typed them into the system)
completed_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted string that indicates when the response was completed, or null if this response is not yet completed.
completer_typestringDescribes who the response was prepared for, e.g. ad_hoc_professional for bulk versions of patient lists. Can be patient, ad_hoc_professional, parent, second_parent or teacher. More types might be added later, therefore it is advised that API consumers select the desired types, and not reject the undesired types.
completing_urlstringThe URL that can be visited to complete this (and possibly other) response(s). Will be null if response is already completed.
flags`hashHash of flag_name to boolean
measurement_idintegerThe measurement this response was created from (leads to protocol)
non_response_idintegerId of non_response this response belongs to.
open_fromstringAn ISO 8601 formatted string that indicates when the response becomes completable, or null if this response is not only completable within a specific time window.
open_tillstringAn ISO 8601 formatted string that indicates when the response expires and is no longer completable, or null if this response is not only completable within a specific time window.
outcomehashHash with various outcome elements. See below for more details.
questionnaire_namestringThe name of the questionnaire that was filled out.
questionnaire_keystringKey uniquely identifying the questionnaire that was filled out.
requestersarrayArray of objects identifying the professionals that requested this questionnaire to be completed.
statusstringOne of the following values:
scheduled - This response is scheduled to be completed at a later time. Cannot be completed right now, and visiting its URL will not result in this response being presented. See open_from and open_till attributes for the time window when this response will be open.
open - This response is completable right now.
aborted - Filling out the questionnaire has been aborted.
completed - This response has been completed.
started_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted string that indicates when the response was started being filled out, or null if this data is not available.
textvarshashHash of textvar_name to string
valueshashHash with key value pairs for every question in the questionnaire. Will be empty when the response is not completed.
namestringThe name of the response. Warning, this field is deprecated, use questionnaire_name instead


scoreshashHash containing a hash for each calculated score, index on the score key. Each score contains a value entry when the score was calculated successfully and may contain extra key value pairs for interpretation and t-scores. See the outcome description of each questionnaire for more information on the calculated scores.
actionstring['attention', 'alarm'] Whether the calculated outcome requires extra attention or whether it is alarming.
alarmarrayArray containing all question keys giving rise to the alarm flag.
attentionarrayArray containing all question keys giving rise to the attention flag.
completestringString indicating the percentage a questionnaire has been completed. Either '100%' or null when a questionnaire is fully completed, depending on whether the questionnaire has a definition for 'completeness'.


epd_idstringThe identifier for this professional given by the EPD during single sign-on.

Store a new response

To store an externally captured response perform a POST request to the path beneath. The dossier_id in the path is the unique identifier of the dossier to store the response with.

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/


questionnaire_keystring[Required] Key uniquely identifying the questionnaire in the ROM application
external_idstring[Required] ID as managed by the external application that "owns" this response
answer_datahash[Required] Hash storing the answered option key for every question key
started_atintegerThe Unix time when the questionnaire was started being filled out (greater or equal to 31 december 1999)
filled_out_atintegerThe Unix time when the questionnaire was filled out (greater or equal to 31 december 1999)
respondentstring['patient'(default) | 'parent' | 'second_parent' | 'teacher' | 'caregiver' | 'profess'] String identifying the respondent which filled out the questionnaire
entered_bystring[Optional, blank means response was entered by the respondent themselves.] The user id of the professional that entered the response into the system. For responses that were not entered directly by the respondent. The user id should correspond to the user id of that professional that is used in the EPD SSO connection. In the case of a 'profess' respondent, the implication is that this professional was the evaluator/originator of the response data, but this is not a strict requirement.


The created response is returned. See the section on listing all responses for an explanation of the response object attribute fields.

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/epd_id_resp_create/responses
Status: 201 Created
"id": 1,
"respondent_id": 4,
"name": null,
"questionnaire_name": null,
"questionnaire_key": "key_resp_cre",
"open_from": null,
"open_till": null,
"requesters": [],
"completer_type": "patient",
"completed_at": "2015-01-31T13:30:55.000+01:00",
"status": "completed",
"completing_url": null,
"values": {
"answer": "data"
"outcome": {
"scores": {
"tot": {
"score": true,
"label": "Totaalscore",
"value": 37,
"referenced_values": []
"action": null,
"alarm": null,
"attention": null,
"complete": null
"flags": {},
"textvars": {},
"started_at": "2015-01-31T13:20:55.000+01:00",
"measurement_id": null,
"non_response_id": null

When no questionnaire exists for the questionnaire_key provided

Sample request

POST /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses
Status: 404 Not Found

Update a response

To store external data on an existent pending response perform a put request to the path beneath. The :dossier_id in the path is the unique identifier of the dossier to store the response with. The :external_id in the path is the same external_id as given to the POST API call.

PUT /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/:external_id


questionnaire_keystring[Required] Key uniquely identifying the questionnaire in the ROM application
answer_datahash[Required] Hash storing the answered option key for every question key
started_atintegerThe Unix time when the questionnaire was started being filled out (greater or equal to 31 december 1999)
filled_out_atintegerThe Unix time when the questionnaire was filled out (greater or equal to 31 december 1999)


The created response is returned. See the section on listing all responses for an explanation of the response object attribute fields.

Sample request

PUT /api/v1/dossiers/epd_id_resp_update/responses/5
Status: 200 OK
"id": 5,
"respondent_id": null,
"name": null,
"questionnaire_name": null,
"questionnaire_key": "key_resp_upd",
"open_from": null,
"open_till": null,
"requesters": [],
"completer_type": null,
"completed_at": "2015-01-31T13:30:55.000+01:00",
"status": "completed",
"completing_url": null,
"values": {
"answer": "data"
"outcome": {
"scores": {
"tot": {
"score": true,
"label": "Totaalscore",
"value": 37,
"referenced_values": []
"action": null,
"alarm": null,
"attention": null,
"complete": null
"flags": {},
"textvars": {},
"started_at": null,
"measurement_id": null,
"non_response_id": null

When the response already stores data updating is not allowed

Sample request

PUT /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/:external_id
Status: 403 Forbidden

When no response exists for the id provided

Sample request

PUT /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/:external_id
Status: 404 Not Found

When no questionnaire exists for the questionnaire_key provided

Sample request

PUT /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/:external_id
Status: 404 Not Found

Delete a response

Responses can only be deleted by external_id, and thus only responses that were originally uploaded via the API can be deleted.

Sample request

DELETE /api/v1/dossiers/:dossier_id/responses/:external_id
Status: 204 No Content