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See protocols for a general description.

Get a single measurement

Sample request

GET /api/v1/measurements/1.json
Status: 200 OK
"id": 1,
"name": "Measurement 0",
"description": null,
"active": true,
"label": "intake",
"protocol_id": 1,
"questionnaires": [
"id": 1,
"key": "roqua_simple",
"quby_key": "simple",
"name": "Simpele Vragenlijst"

Measurement Attributes

idintegerId uniquely identifying the measurement.
protocol_idintegerId of protocol.
namestringThe name of the measurement, as shown when preparing responses.
descriptionstringBlob of text what the measurement is for
activebooleanIf false, the protocol doesn't show up in the interface.
questionnairesarrayarray of hashes with basic questionnaires info (see below)

Questionnaire attributes

idintegerId uniquely identifying the questionnaire.
keystringkey identifying the questionnaire in roqua, use this one for getting more info on questionnaire.
quby_keystringKey identifying the actual questionnaire definition (one quby key can be used in multiple roqua questionnaires, but will have exact same questions)
namestringThe name of the questionnaire, as shown when preparing responses.